哈新年竟然有高中老同學寄了新年祝賀 email 來    因為他沒有用 FB blog那些的

就直接把他一年近況寫成一個網頁  真是妙 (工程師還真忙阿...)

他還辛苦翻譯了阿姆這很長的歌詞  就跟大家分享一下

當作是 new year resolution for all my friends who work so hard


I'm not afraid to take a stand
沒在怕, 我站出來!
Everybody come take my hand
每個人, 握住我的手
We'll walk this road together, through the storm
我們一起走過這段路, 穿越一切風雨
Whatever weather, cold or warm
Just let you know that, you're not alone
只想讓你知道, 你並不孤獨
Holla if you feel that you've been down the same road
嗨! 假如你也同樣在這條路上
Yeah, It's been a ride...
I guess I had to go to that place to get to this one

Now some of you might still be in that place
If you're trying to get out, just follow me
假如你們想破繭而出, 跟著我   I'll get you there
Cause ain't no way I'm let you stop me from causing mayhem
When I say 'em or do something I do it,
當我說我要做, 我就會做到
I don't give a damn What you think,
I'm doing this for me, so fuck the world
我做的這一切都是為了自己, 世人的眼光都是屁!
Feed it beans, it's gassed up, if a thing's stopping me
所有想阻止我的, 只會讓我更有鬥志往前衝
I'mma be what I set out to be, without a doubt undoubtedly
我就是我, 沒啥好懷疑的
And all those who look down on me I'm tearing down your balcony
那些敢站在上頭睥睨我的, 我會拆了你的台階讓你滾下來

No if ands or buts don't try to ask him why or how can he
沒有甚麼 "假如" 或 "但是", 也不用試著去問如何辦到
I promise to never go back on that promise
Relax, I ain't going back to that now
放心, 這次不會再這樣了
All I'm tryna say is get back, click-clack BLAOW
我只想說我已回來了, 子彈上膛 碰!
Cause I ain't playin' around
There's a game called circle and I don't know how
I'm way too up to back down
But I think I'm still trying to figure this crap out
Thought I had it mapped out but I guess I didn't
This fucking black cloud still follow's me around
But it's time to exercise these demons
These motherfuckers are doing jumping jacks now!
And I just can't keep living this way
So starting today, I'm breaking out of this cage
I'm standing up, Imma face my demons
我要站起來, 去面對我的心魔
I'm manning up, Imma hold my ground
我要硬起來 堅守陣地
I've had enough, now I'm so fed up
我受的夠多了, 現在我受夠了
Time to put my life back together right now
我要奪回我的人生, 就是現在

It was my decision to get clean, I did it for me
決定戒掉那些惡習, 我是為了自己
Admittedly I probably did it subliminally for you
但老實說, 也許有部分也是為了你
So I could come back a brand new me, you helped see me through
所以全新的我回來, 是你們讓我找回自我
And don't even realise what you did, believe me you
也許你也不明自己做了甚麼, 但這都是真的
I been through the ringer, but they can do little to the middle finger
那些討厭我的, 他們永遠對我的中指無可奈何
I think I got a tear in my eye           我想我已經淚盈滿眶

My world, haters can make like bees with no stingers, and drop dead
在我的世界, 仇恨都變成沒有刺的蜜蜂, 跌落死掉
No more beef flingers, no more drama from now on, I promise
從現在沒有無謂的嗆聲, 也不再有紛爭, 我保證
To focus soley on handling my responsibility's as a father
So I solemnly swear to always treat this roof like my daughters and raise it
所以我發誓我將會扛起這一片天 就像是我撫養我的女兒長大般
You couldn't lift a single shingle on it
Cause the way I feel, I'm strong enough to go to the club
Or the corner pub and lift the whole liquor counter up
或是酒吧, 甚至拆掉整個吧檯
Cause I'm raising the bar, I shoot for the moon
But I'm too busy gazing at stars, I feel amazing and
忙著鎖定方向眺望遠方, 這感覺真是棒極了
We'll walk this road together, through the storm

    創作者 Una 阿暴 的頭像
    Una 阿暴

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