, 看著戶頭累積愈來愈多的數字竟然就想花掉了。
剛好高中同學北上 BOSTON, 對於待在美國近三年, 很少跟台灣朋友聯絡的我, 可說是難得的機會。
Petit Robert Bistro
468 Commonwealth Ave, Boston, MA 02215
晚餐點了 Foie Gras Terrine 燉牛雜 還有橘子酒香草舒芙禮
食材新鮮簡單自然好吃, 家常菜不就應該是這樣?
這頓晚餐讓我對這間餐廳產生了無比信心, 決定明天中午跟高中同學再去一次
因為前一天已經在 點了 french Toast鑲苺子香蕉, 今天就換換口味
I had a Traditional Salad Nicoise $7.95
Leek and Goat Cheese Quiche $8.75 (Served with a cup of Soup du Jour)
Quiche 法式蛋塔派的山羊起士很香濃, 不過不很鹹也沒放很多料,其實是很清淡的主菜
尼斯沙拉又有魚又有蛋還有半顆馬鈴薯,真是料多營養 。
其實也想點下面二個鴨肉, 只好看看下次有沒有機會了。
Pan Seared Duck Confit and Kimchee Sushi Roll 9.50
Leek Vinaigrette and Grilled Sliced Duck Magret 9.50
Mike's Pastry
300 Hanover St, Boston, MA 02113 (North End )
回MV前小涅帶我去北角義大利城一間頗負盛名的點心店 Mike's
最近愛上開心果的香味, 不論是冰淇淋或是餅乾, 蛋糕都有獨特的風味。雖然有些東西應該加了香料跟色素,就像台灣的麵包店一樣, 可是間店傳統的風味一般人還是無法擋其魅力。
我買了草莓cheesecake 跟巧克力杏仁餅還有pistachio macaroons 開心果小餅
開心果小餅像是綠色的不規則形烤麵糰, 外面灑上糖粉, 讓人好奇味道如何。
一口咬下外脆內濕潤, 濃濃杏仁味配上開心果脆粒,如果不那麼甜的話我應該就拿來當正餐吃了。
They are covered in powdered sugar, the outside is just barely crunchy,
the inside is chewy, almond-infused, and spotted with pistachios.
Next time you're grabbing a cannoli at Mike's Pastry shop, make sure you pick up a few of these cookies as well.
italian macaroons 跟最近突然流行起來,具時尚象徵的法國蛋白小圓餅長相差了很多
可是骨子裡可是一樣, 外脆內軟,
這義大利的傳統點心 Amaretti 看字面可知是杏仁餅 (杏仁甜酒叫做Amaretto)
Amaretti is the Italian name for macaroon cookies, which means “little bitter things”.
In Italy they are done using 1 parts of bitter almond and 3 parts of sweet almond.
Almond macaroons can be traced back to 1792, in an Italian monastery--the name comes from the Italian word for paste, maccarone, which refers to almond paste. (Macaroni means flour paste.) Later, two Carmelite nuns, hiding in the town of Nancy during the French Revolution, baked and sold macaroons to cover their expenses.
自1792年在義大利的修道院中就已經有這個點心, 後來在法國大革命期間兩位躲在法國Nancy小鎮的修女為了維生,於是烘烤販賣這種蛋白杏仁餅,而這個食譜被猶太人傳承下來,變成踰越節的主要食品。
最近才被法國廚師改良成精美色彩繽紛的小圓餅 macaron
經由 推廣到日本更是不得了
coconut macaroon 是令一種美國常見的macaroon.
The macaroon, a well-known cookie made from ground nuts and coconut, that is also often seen in Jewish households during Passover as it is leavened with egg whites and therefore meets the dietary restrictions of the holiday. Italian Jews passed on the recipe for this flourless cookie to the Ashkenazi, who made it a staple of both Passover and their everyday life.