我相信 mole 是世界上最麻煩的料理之一, 墨西哥料理真是博大精深 =_=

Wikipedia 介紹 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mole_(sauce)

fuck...the chef is nuts. 寫這份食譜的廚師真是厲害

第一次做菜做到罵髒話,弄了一整個下午,一邊做一邊歇斯底裡的亂叫 :

" 到底還要弄多久?到底還要準備多少食材,多少步驟?"

中文食譜之後補上,光是食材就應該要去 Spanish grocery 找,當然我沒時間去,

我好像還加了 Valrona 巧克力下去ㄝ,想說這樣就不用放糖了

用掉我所有的白芝麻跟腰果..... 可惜我的 nuts 跟雞肉不是很新鮮,後來吃的時候有點過敏

把這醬汁來煮新鮮的 cage-free 雞,或是牛肉,或羊肉別有風味


我妹很幸運有吃到牛肉 (用 Longhorn Steak House 吃剩的 rib 煮的) 好不好吃問她吧!





我參考的英文食譜 http://www.epicurious.com/

原食譜出自一本書 Fonda San Miguel : Thirty Years Of Food And Art
by Gilliland, Tom; Ravago, Miguel; Wood, Virginia B.
Hardcover - 238 pages Published: October 2005
ISBN: 0940672774

ok people I am going to give you my secret mole negro recipe... The brand is rogelio bueno and it is in a glass jar with a yellow label and it says mole negro...first if you buy the small jar the way to remove the lid is with a bottle opener to opposite ends then the top pops off....if you use the can opener the glass might shatter .... to serve eight you would use 2 small jars or 1 big jar. the big jar top just twists off...in a 5 quart dutch oven you put the mole which is the consistency of greasy bakers chocolate..you dissolve it with 2cups of chicken broth you saved from the boiled chicken..and you stir and dissolve you keep adding broth and stir until the sauce is the consistency of a thick gravy, then you add a tblsp of granulated sugar and mix all this in med heat then you add the large pieces of chicken you boiled coarsely shredded, don't use the roasted chicken from the store it changes the taste...let it simmer for 20 minutes serve with chicken flavered rice and refried beans and tortillas I have been making this for over 20 years with that brand and it has been a hit in family reunions everytime. It is spicy with a hint of sweet with no bitterness you will not need to add any spices or salt or pepper....By the way I am mexican and most of the time will cook authentic sauces and dishes . this is my ancient mexican secret..shhh

esmecast from North Hollywood, CA
This is an excellent recipe and well worth the time. To all of those who would open a jar because it's so much easier or think it's too time consuming-- you're missing the point of cooking. As most authentic ethnic recipes, this is NOT a weeknight recipe; this is something usually prepared for special occasions--wedding; parties, etc. In comparison -- you can open a jar of pasta sauce, use no-cook noodles, throw it together with some cheese, and make lasagna OR you can make the sauce by roasting, chopping, simmering for hours and rolling out home made pasta--as in the old days. Most of us make lasagna somewhere in between. Mole has always been considered a "high end" food. A suggestion to the person who thought it was bitter -- toasting the chiles has to be done very carefully or else they will taste bitter. An easier alternative is to just hydrate the chiles: clean the chiles, put them in a glass bowl, add boiling water, and let them sit for 20 minutes to hydrate. They will become soft and will be blended easily. Also, season well--for some reason chiles absord salt. And if still too bitter, add a little bit of sugar. The sauce is best done a day or two before for the flavors to properly meld.

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