多倫多還有其他地方的瞎拼指南 ----------- Toronto Shoppping
Yorkville其實是Bloor St.北方延伸出去的高級商業區,主要的街道以Yorkville Ave.、Cumberland St.和Hazelton Ave.為最熱鬧。
二十世紀60年代,Yorkville曾經是加拿大hippy文化的中心,五花八門的各式咖啡館、令人嘖舌的嬉皮店比比皆是,許多folk音樂家,如Joni Mitchell在這些咖啡館內展開他們的音樂演出。一直到了二十世紀70年代,這個反文化的堡壘變成了時尚購物中心和藝術區。現在別具一格的餐廳、露天咖啡館以及PUB將這裡的夜生活塑造地精彩無比。
ROOTS - A world leader in authentic athletic clothing and Canada's number one brand.
Address: 95 Bloor St. W.
Toronto, Montreal 附近很多 outlet 都沒找也沒時間去逛,有點可惜。
不過這趟就算沒去 outlet 我還是在 Fruit&Passion, Yves Rocher 買了一堆香水
, 在 古堡飯店超小家的 Roots 買了一件超厚的當季春夏外套, 去傳統市場買酒、楓糖漿、果醬,
還在冰酒廠買了一堆東西,把身上加幣通通敗光 |||b 真恐怖
From Providence to Niagara Falls : 7 hours, 32 minutes Distance: 464.52 miles
From Niagara-on-the-lake to Toronto: 1 hour, 26 minutes Distance: 80.01 miles
From Québec to Maine Freeport outlet: 5 hours, 19 minutes Distance: 256.83 miles
我在邊境因為學校新發的 I-20 沒有蓋章被刁難啦,煩死了等超久,等到罵髒話.......
最後一直問我真正畢業時間跟 I-20上的畢業時間不一樣,I20只到 11 月
Damn it, red tape .... DMV ask the same question and I almost cannot apply State ID and driver lisence...
From Maine outlet to Providence 3 hours, 8 minutes Distance: 189.95 miles
( J Crew 10 Bow St, Freeport, ME 04032 )
------------ 霧中少女號 / Maid of the Mist-------------------
The entrance for Canadian departures for Maid of the Mist is at 5920 Niagara Parkway, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada. This is at the north end of Queen Victoria Park, close to the Rainbow Bridge and Oakes Garden Theatre
at the foot of the Clifton Hill tourist area, near Sheraton Hotel.
Journey Behind the Falls
Enter Journey Behind the Falls at Table Rock Center, beside the Canadian Horseshoe Falls, at 6650 Niagara Parkway, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada.
Niagara-on-the-Lake是距離尼加拉瀑布大約20分鐘車程的小鎮,距多倫多大約兩小時,只有一條主街道的小鎮,延著主街道有著些小店,它們共同最有名的產品就是加拿大冰酒(ice wine),其中Innisklin是我們最愛的,大概也是品質數一數二的冰酒酒莊,每年冰酒上市,我們都會去買些冰酒窖藏起來慢慢享用,下午茶則必需到The Prince of Wales Hotel去享用了。
The Prince of Wales Hotel是位於鐘塔(Clock Tower)斜對面,是座古色古香的建築,從1864年就開始了。
6 Picton Street
Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON
Inniskillin WINERY TOUR PROGRAM 10:00am to 5:00pm daily.
The Wine Boutique is situated at the Winery, 1499 Line 3 off the Niagara Parkway.
The Boutique is located in the restored barn. 1+1/2 hrs from Toronto
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- May 27 Sun 2007 10:35
Canada 5 days trip planning