Biggest market
Sunny  Market Place
243 Reservoir Ave , Providence, RI 02907  (near the zoo)
Larg Thai grocery store has all kinds of meat and veggie.

中西   Chinese-Amercan  (near Korean market)
834 Park Ave.   Cranston  RI 02910
New Asian Market
339 Broad St.        Providence, RI 02907     (401) 751-6337
The nearest  Asian Market from downtown or Regency Plaza

Lao-Lanexang Market
373 Smith St.
Thai Market beside a Thai restaurant (papaya salad smells fishy).
has lots of grocery,  yet few meat and veggie

92 Warren Ave.   East Providence  02914
Korean and some Japanese.

Haruki Express 
Waterman St. right off Thayer.
open long hours and has a small Japanese grocery store inside.

Price Rite
80  Manton Ave.  RI  02909
everything super low price spanish grocery store !!
unfresh meat & veggie however  -.-|||

La Poblanita is on Academy Ave at the corner of Chalkstone.

Sanchez Mexican Market is right on Atwells at the corner of Academy Ave.

[  Boston area ]

Super 88 Market
1 Brighton Ave. MA 02134
One of the largest Asian market near BU.

Super 88 Market
101 Allstate Rd. , Dorchester, MA 02125
The biggest 88 Market near Boston area ( not the one near BU.)
Target, Stop & Shop around there, is a shopping plaza

SUPER 88 Market                  在金門附近小小一家
733 Handock St ,Quincy MA

[ NY Flushing ]
Hong Kong Supermarket
37-11 Main St. Flushing, NY 11354
Many Taiwanese and Hong Kong 's grocery !
The only bad thing is traffic and parking. (free parking 1hr but usually full)

Vinh Sun 燒臘 在明爐燒臘對面
58 Beach St, Boston Chinatown
食物非常的美式 -_-|||

Buk Kyung 2
151 Brighton Ave. Allston, MA
Korean res, near Harvard Ave, Boston Univ. and 88 market
The food is mediocre -_-|||

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    Una 阿暴

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