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http://www.winnetu.com/dining.htm   左上有 food network vedio 介紹
http://www.bestreadguide.com/marthasvineyard/0699jaws.html   賞鯊景點

Jaws filming location : American Legion Memorial Bridge & Sengekontacket Pond, Martha's Vineyard

Martha's Vineyard from Wikipedia   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martha's_Vineyard             

以下資料來自   IMDB     http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0073195/trivia

  • Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts, was used as Amity Island primarily because even 12 miles out to sea, the sandy bottom was only 30 feet down, allowing the mechanical shark to function. Residents were paid $64 to scream and run across the beach as extras.

  • The first shark killed on the docks, which is supposed to be the "man-eater" in the movie, is actually a real shark killed in Florida because there wasn't a big enough one in Martha's Vineyard.
  • After the shark was built, it was never tested in the water, and when it was put in the water at Martha's Vineyard, it sank straight to the ocean floor. It took a team of divers to retrieve it.

  • The lighthouse in the film near the beach is an actual lighthouse on Martha's Vineyard where the filming took place. Because of the billboard in the scene, the lighthouse had to be "moved" with special effects in post-production.

當地鯊魚出沒在淡水區   影片

然後我就一定要去這避寒勝地找個暫時工作  順便享受一下 數不清的 festival  哈哈哈

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    Una 阿暴

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